St. Cloud State University
Accreditations and Memberships
Accreditation at St. Cloud State
St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城由高等教育委员会和国家教师教育认证委员会认证,是许多学术和专业协会的成员, including:
- American Association of State Colleges and Universities
- American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
- Council of Graduate Schools in the United States
Accreditation by Academic Unit
College of Education and Learning Design
- 教育与学习设计学院是由美国教育工作者培养质量促进会(AAQEP)认证的成员之一。.
- 教育与学习设计学院是美国教师教育学院协会(AACTE)的成员。, the Minnesota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (MACTE), and Minnesota Education Equity Partnership (MnEEP).
- 教师教育部门和所有教学执照项目都是由明尼苏达州专业教育者执照和标准委员会(PELSB)批准的。.
- 教育管理课程由明尼苏达州学校管理委员会(BoSA)批准。.
College of Health and Wellness Professions
- The Master of Science (M.S.) education program in speech-language pathology {residential} at St. Cloud State University is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2200 Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, MD 20850, (800) 498-2071 or (301) 296-5700.
- The Applied Behavior Analysis program in the Department of Community Psychology, 咨询和家庭治疗是由行为分析协会(ABA)和国际行为分析协会(ABAI)认证委员会认证的.
- 学校咨询、临床心理健康咨询和康复咨询师教育硕士课程获得咨询及相关教育项目认证委员会(CACREP)认证。.
- The baccalaureate degree in nursing program at St. Cloud State University is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street, NW, Suite 750, Washington, D.C. 20001. (202) 887-6791.
- 运动训练教育课程由运动训练教育认证委员会(CAATE)认证。. St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城体育训练学士目前正在接受体育训练教育认证委员会(CAATE)的试用期。, 6850 Austin Center Blvd., Suite 100, Austin, TX 78731-3101. The program has chosen to Voluntarily Withdraw its Accreditation effective August 12, 2022. The program will remain on probation until the Withdraw is effective and the program is closed.
- The Department of Social Work is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).
- 从医学实验室技术员到医学实验室科学家的医学实验室科学课程由国家临床实验室科学认证机构(NAACLS)认证。.
- 核医学技术项目的临床部分在我们的合作医院获得了核医学技术教育项目联合审查委员会(JRCNMT)的认可.
- 放射技术项目的临床部分在我们的合作医院获得了放射技术教育联合审查委员会(JRCERT)的认可。.
- Geronotolgy's efforts earned St. Cloud State Univeristy a membership in the Age-Friendly University Global Network.
College of Liberal Arts
- 大众传播系获新闻及大众传播教育评审委员会(ACEJMC)认可。.
- 社会及人类学系的应用社会学专业获应用及临床社会学委员会(CACS)认可。.
- All College of Liberal Arts teaching licensure programs (Communication Arts and Literature, English, K-12 ESL, Spanish, History, 艺术和音乐教育)被明尼苏达州专业教育工作者执照和标准委员会(PELSB)认可。.
School of the Arts
- St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城是国家艺术与设计学院协会的认可机构成员 (NASAD).
- St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城是全国音乐学院协会(NASM)的认可机构成员。.
College of Science and Engineering
- All College of Science and Engineering teaching licensure programs (Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, 数学和技术教育)由明尼苏达州专业教育工作者许可和标准委员会(PELSB)认证。.
- The chemistry program is approved by the American Chemical Society.
- 生物化学和分子生物学课程由美国生物化学和分子生物学学会暂时认可.
School of Computing, Engineering and Environment
- The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, offered by the Computer Science Department, is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission (CAC) of ABET. 理学学士专业也遵循美国计算机协会(ACM)的课程指南.
- 地球和大气科学系提供符合美国气象学会和国家气象局制定的标准的气象项目.
- The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, and the Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, offered by the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET.
- 技术教育学位由国际技术与工程教育者协会(ITEEA)和技术教师教育委员会(CTTE)认证。.
- 机械与制造工程系提供由英国工程认证委员会(EAC)认可的制造工程和机械工程理学学士学位 ABET.
- 机械与制造工程系的工程管理硕士课程获得了美国工程管理学会(ASEM)的认证。.
Herberger Business School
- The Herberger Business School is accredited by AACSB International, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, in the following undergraduate programs: Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Finance, General Business, Information Systems, Insurance*, Management, Marketing, and Real Estate. The Master of Business Administration program is also AACSB accredited. AACSB认证为大学商学院建立标准,以促进高水平的教育质量.
- The Bachelor of Science in Information Systems, offered by the Herberger Business School Information Systems Department, is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission (CAC) of ABET. 信息系统理学学士课程也遵循计算机协会(ACM)的课程指南.
Academic and Student Services
- 咨询和心理服务是由国际咨询服务协会认可的, Inc.
- 医疗诊所化验所获办公室化验所认可委员会(COLA)认可.
- 林德格伦儿童护理中心是由全国幼儿教育协会(NAEYC)认证的。.
- Medical Clinic is accredited by Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC).
- 该项目已获得全国同步招生合作联盟(NACEP)认证.